Monday 25 April 2016

LO4: Mini-Pitch

Salk wrote these two slides.

Keenen, Sam and Salik are responsible for creating the treatment.

On this slide Shayi describes to the client what the gameplay and the visuals of the game will consist of, in order for them imagine how the game could look.

Keenen and Sam created the first slide for target audience together.

Salk created the second slide for target audience on his own.

Salk is responsible for this legal and ethical slide.

Keenen is responsible for this legal and ethical slide on the pitch.

Keenen and Salik combined to create the final legal and ethical slide.

Sam was in charge of the platform details slide.

Sam and Salik combined to create this slide.

Keenen was in charge of the visuals/layout section.

Sam wrote the plot synopsis and characters slide up.

LO4: Financial Plan

This is the financial plan that we created in order to find out how much it would cost to produce the NBA U game.

Sunday 24 April 2016

LO4: Competitors and comparrison

Currently there are only 3 competitors when it comes to who my team at NBA U are up against when coming to the sales of our product among our target audience. These companies are 2K, EA and BT Games Studio. This is due to the fact that these companies have a similar ideal to my groups game and have decided to produce their product on multiple platforms such as the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, in order to reach a wider range within their target audience.

As you can see I have gathered information on what platforms my competitors are on and I have come to an understanding that BT Gaming Studio are not one of our primary opponents when it comes to competitors in terms of selling our product on the mobile platform. This is due to the fact that my team are only focusing on the consoles due to the fact that mobile games would be too challenging to produce a high quality and detailed game like NBA U on.

Using this information which I have found based on our competitors I have come to an understanding that the developers at 2K, who've developed a similar game to ours with the story/sports mode to the diegisis of our game NBA U. Although there is a big difference between out games, NBA U allows online and offline freeroam where the choices you make in the freeroam world could effect your NBA career either in a positive or negative light.

LO4: What I will produce for the Sumo Digital pitch

Here is a list of things I will be doing to play my part within the Sumo Digital pitch:

  • Part of Shayi's treatment
  • The visuals
  • Target audience
  • legal and ethical slide 2 and 3
  • layout
  • Plot synopsis and characters
  • competitors

Saturday 23 April 2016

LO4: Treatment


Name or title of Game: NBA U

Length of playtime: Would roughly take 82 hours to complete if the player played every single game in the season and didn't miss a match through injury or other reasons. The player would have the option to skip through games if they wanted to simulate them, this would bring the playtime down to around 7-8 hours.

Genre or type of game: Sports game

Brief description / synopsis:
It is a decisions basketball game in which the decisions you make outside of the sport have an effect on your playing career.

Platform chosen: 

Target audience
Intended age of audience: The target audience is 12+ as this age are into basketball and sport games, also driving games which make it suitable for the genre as there is a free roam option in which you can drive around.
Other target details: The game has no violence or explicit content which therefore makes it for young teens like 12 year olds for example

Game style: Decisions/sport style game in which your decisions can affect your teams performance and moral.


Resources required

                  Human: 4 humans

                  Equipment : Computer, software (auto desk maya)

                  Location: UTC Sheffield 

                  Production time : 18 Months

                  Additional specific Resources:

Additional information

Content of game (items, features and articles):  The game will include things like unlockable accessories e.g. basketball shoes, also customisable characters.

Examples of challenges and themes:
Some of the challenges will of course be the decisions you face and have to decide on throughout the game 

Styles of comparable games: The style of  NBA 2K15 is different to my game  as it is not a decisions based game and therefore only has sports features.


Our game will cost £42,391,046.82 to produce for the next-gen consoles, PS4 and Xbox One. This includes the actors costs, developers cost, the engine and licensing. We plan to sell 5,000,000 units of our game at a price of £39.99 each, making or overall revenue stand at £10,928,953.18. 

Thursday 21 April 2016

LO4: NBA U: Synopsis

NBA U is set in the United States of America based upon the theme of the NBA. In this game you will create your own custom character, which you will help grow throughout the league into reaching the goal of becoming the NBA championship winner. Within this game you will encounter various challenges and options you will have to select from in order to reach your goal in gaining both team and fan support from the characters world.

This game will begin during the high school basketball year, throughout this year your player will have to prove himself good enough to be selected for one of the college basketball leagues or go straight to the NBA depending on how skilled they are on the court. Once your player reaches the stage of college basketball they will be entered within the NBA draft, this determains the team your player will join as his first team during his NBA career.

LO4: Task List

a) Treatment or proposal for the final game. - Shayi
b) Competent production schedule for the final game. - Sam
c) Gameplay with associated visuals. - Keenen
d) Target audience - mood-board, description, imaginary entity. - Salik
e) Relevant legal and/or ethical issues - PEGI rating, copyright, music etc. - Sam
f) Platform details and requirements - justification for selection. - Salik
g) Examples of levels - visuals and layouts. (title screen,  characters). - Keenen + Sam
h) Plot synopsis and characters. - Keenen
i) Financial breakdown of development costs. - Shayi